Fatz With Batz 21, Liberators 1
Sons of Pitches 22, Liberators 13
Last Monday's rain-soaked double header resulted in double defeat for the Liberators! Team Captain Tanara scored our only run against second-ranked Fatz With Batz, and while our effort against Sons of Pitches bore more fruit - including Carmen's first trip across home plate - we still wound up nine runs behind. As a result, we finish the regular season in eighth place (out of ten). Tonight is our first playoff game, being played even as I type - I'm waiting for our realtor to arrive to get some paperwork done on a new home purchase.
Here are a few highlights from the game:
Tanara and Rick prepare for battle on the ball field.
I knew we were in trouble when I saw the intimidating headgear and professionally printed t-shirts of Fatz With Batz.
Andy makes a daring slide into third base.
Carmen smacked a solid single right through the hole between the shortstop and third base to take first.

Speaking of double headers, it's a shame that the folks at DC comics never thought to have the Legion of Substitute Heroes' Double Header play a baseball game. For those unfamiliar with the character, Double Header was rejected by the Legion of Super-Heroes proper because his super power - having two heads - wasn't deemed useful enough for the team. (The two heads also had a tendency to argue.) But the Substitute Heroes readily accepted him.
I wonder how our team would have fared if Double Header had joined us? Somewhere in a parallel universe, it happened...
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