Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Call Me Out at the Ball Game - Game 5

Liberators 16, Meatitarians 9

Victory at last! This was the Liberators' second win of the season, and the first I was present for. At first I was a bit disappointed with my performance, striking out once (with bases loaded, no less!) and getting tagged out at first twice during my initial at-bats, but late in the game I earned my first RBI by slamming a weak drive into a convenient hole in coverage. I even crossed the home plate myself shortly thereafter, something I haven't accomplished since junior high school.

Here are a few shots from the game:

Keeping my eye on the ball.

Should I swing at this or not? Wait, whoops...d'oh!

Zounds! I actually managed to hit the ball...time to run!

Earl races the ball the ball to first. The ball won this time.

A dramatic play at first - our runner Jamie is safe!

As usual, Steve had a terrific game.

Lisa slammed the ball with considerable might on more than one occasion...

...as did her fiancee, Matt.

As usual, team captain Tanara motivated the team with encouraging words and peerless performance.

She even brought along her boyfriend AJ to help us out with a home run or two.

At first I wasn't terribly enthusiastic about playing at the tail end of a long weekend, but I'm glad that I showed up. Not only did I get another good workout, for the first time I was able to contribute to a team victory. Hopefully this win gets us out of the standings cellar!

EDITED TO ADD: Having checked the standings, I find that we're not in the cellar at all, but in the middle of the pack. Go Liberators!

I also forgot to mention that during my run from second to third, I collided with the opposing team's third basewoman. I felt terrible, but she was unhurt - and I was safe. Slo-pitch isn't for the faint of heart...


  1. That photo of you running to first is fantastic.

  2. So who gets the photo credits for these? The images are more exciting than the game would have been...

  3. Yay, Liberators!!!!!! Good job, Babe. I'm very proud of you.

    L, Syl

  4. Well, I took the photos that I'm not in, and Tanara shot the rest, with the exception of the group photo, of course, shot by a woman whose name I don't know.
