Monday, May 17, 2010

Call Me Out at the Ball Game - Game 4

Airways Park
Doucheballz 22, Liberators 1

The boys and girls of summer did their best, but only the league mercy rule saved us from a drubbing even more humiliating than the 22-1 pounding we received at Airways Park just south of the old City Centre Airport.

We faced the #2-ranked team, and without question they deserved the victory. They displayed a take-no-prisoners athleticism, though they were good sports about it.

Despite the loss, I'm pretty happy with my own performance this time around - relatively speaking, of course. I managed to halfway field one ball in the outfield, and served a couple of innings as a reasonably competent backcatcher, coming close to catching fly ball that was coming down the inside wall of the backstop. My Hurculean effort even resulted in the loss of my baseball cap!

Rick Miller scored our sole run, brought home by, I believe, Steve of Laurie Blakeman's office. Or it may have been Rick's son Chris who drove in the run - these two are certainly the anchors of the team, in any event.

Kim Dewar managed a solid base hit, as did I, maintaining my average. Twice at bat, one single, one strikeout.

They say winning is always more fun than losing, but I really enjoyed this game. I worked up a sweat, made my muscles ache, caught the ball a few times and reached first base once. That's better than I ever did in grade school!


  1. If your team plays again next year, and is willing to accept outsiders/ringers, I might be interested in joining your slow pitch adventures.

    On a sappy note, I'm really glad you're having fun with this.

  2. We'd love to have you! We already have several ringers.

  3. Can we get jerseys that say "Woods Bros. Sean" and "Woods Bros. Earl" on the back?
