Friday, May 21, 2010

APS Wins Mayor's Award

A couple of months ago Sylvia nominated her employer, the Alberta Pension Services Corporation, for a Mayor's Award. The awards are handed out annually by the Mayor to Edmontonians who help improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.

Sylvia wrote an amazing nomination letter to the city on behalf of APS, explaining how the corporation has helped accomodate her needs. On the strength of that nomination, I'm happy to say that APS took home the award yesterday afternoon.

I'm very proud of Sylvia for stepping forward to ensure that a compassionate, progressive organization was recognized for their good work. And as her husband, I'm happy to offer APS my personal gratitude for making life a little easier for Sylvia. To be honest, I often forget that Sylvia has a disability and that simple, everyday actions I take for granted can sometimes present a challenge to her. APS has been excellent about knocking down some of those barriers.

Here's how the award citation currently reads on the City of Edmonton website:
The Alberta Pensions Services Corporation for acknowledging the contributions of persons with disabilities and providing a work culture that promotes respect, consideration and appreciation for diversity.

Later on there will be video of Sylvia talking about APS. I'll link to it despite Sylvia's protests!

1 comment:

  1. That's some news!

    Despite Ralph Klien's deplorable legacy of gutting the Alberta public health care system, there are some places where people can receive exceptional care from specialized facilities. For example, I get a lot of peace of mind that my mom has a bed at Bethany Care (Harvest Hills, in Calgary). I doubt there is a finer facility for her needs in Canada, and certainly there is nothing like it here in BC. I am so glad that you guys are getting good service out of APS!

    If Sylvia does not want to have her video on your blog, maybe she could please send a link to it in my e-mail? Either that, or she could recite it word for word in person when you folks come to visit.
