Sunday, March 07, 2010

Oscar Shenanigans!

Last year, I emerged triumphant at the annual Fitzpatrick Oscar party, correctly predicting more winners than anyone else in attendance. This year, hoping for a two-fer, I made sure to watch all ten Best Picture nominees, viewed all the nominated shorts, and brought all my film geek knowledge to bear when making my picks.

This was Sylvia's first time at a Fitzpatrick Oscar party. She picked based on gut instinct.

In the end, the best I could do was a tie for second place with co-host Steve Fitzpatrick. Sylvia emerged as the winner, with 14 correct picks to our 13. I guess that makes her a Victourious Basterd!

I missed Art Direction, Cinematrography, Documentary Short, Foreign Language Film, Original Song, Short Film: Animated - should've gone with Logorama, my favourite, but bet on Nick Park winning for Wallace and Grommit again - Short Film: Live Action, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing - picked Avatar for these, lost to Hurt Locker - Screenplay: Adapted and Screenplay: Original. Sylvia missed all those plus Makeup and Best Picture but correctly predicted Foreign Language Film, Screenplay: Adapted, Screenplay: Original, Original Song, giving her the one-point win and a gift card to she gets to pick what we see.

I'll have my revenge.

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