Thursday, September 03, 2009

Whopping Woods Windfall

I checked my account balances yesterday and saw something that surprised me: a credit to my Visa account for $8.66, listed as "TD - CLASS ACTION."

A little research indicated that I'm part of a class of citizens who were charged "undisclosed or unauthorized fees to its cardholders who incurred credits or debits in foreign currency transactions on their TD VISA (or Chargex) Cards." (See here.)

Before this, I've never been the beneficiary of any sort of lawsuit. $8.66 may not be much, but hey, every dollar hacked off your Visa bill is N dollars in interest that doesn't need to be paid down the line.


  1. Of course, you only save interest if you do something silly like leave a balance on your Visa. That's what lines of credit are for.

  2. Indeed, who would be foolish enough to do that? Cough cough.

  3. What are you going to buy me?

  4. I ab drowding id by own bucus!!!

    The flu has not flown, not by a long shot. My face has become the stage for a symphony of unwanted respiratory fluids.

    Snot music!
    Snot! Snot! Snot! Snot music!
    Snot! Snot! Snot! Snot music!

    New York, London, Paris, Munich!
    Everybody's talkin'bout -
    Snot Music!

    Talkin'bout -
    Snot Music!

    Talkin'bout -
    Snot Music!

    La la lala lala lalaa laaa
    La la lala lala laaa!

    La la lala lala lalaa laaa
    La la lala lala luhhhh!

