Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Super-Hero by Night

Last night I dreamed that Sylvia and I had teamed up with Captain America to fight a super-villain by moonlight on an old abandoned farm. The villain was a humanoid blob of glowing yellow light that shot firebolts; I don't think I had any super-powers, I was more of a Rick Jones-style sidekick.

Captain America was having a tough time against this guy, barely able to deflect the firebolts with his shield. I flailed my arms around uselessly. Sylvia, however, used her telekinesis to grab hold of a hay bale and slam it down on top of the villain, leaving him trapped cartoonishly inside the centre of the bale with only his head visible.

I whooped in triumph and shouted, "Hey, Captain America, she really BALED us out! Get it? Because she used a hay bale..."

The last image of the dream was Captain America's annoyed glare, gazing straight at me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, boy! A great opportunity to do three things at once!

    #1) Dig out my Dream Interpretaion Book
    #2) Use my Degree
    #3) Do #1 & #2 in the same public format (the Internet) as is used by Oprah Winfrey, Salman Rushdie, and Gary Busey.

    The dream book I have, I think, is pretty good although I think that most dream interpretation is hooey. The book cleaves to the Jungian ideals, so...

    The farm represents Earl's spiritual state of being. Normally a farm is like a home base of sorts, an island of rural comforts (up to a point, and only for the farmer). It's a place of stability that resists change.

    Earl's farm is abandoned, indicating that he has moved away from his spiritual base. This is also indicated by the golden figure firing lightning bolts.

    Earl can tell you from art studies that golden and glowing figures indicate divinity. Lightning represents sudden change, possibly unpredictable. Golden lightning would probably zap the hell out of Green Lantern, one of the superheores with whom Earl identifies.

    Add all of that up, and we see that Earl is making a move from his spiritual base, and he is unsure of how that will end up. Co-incidentally, Earl & Sylvia are preparing to move out of their condo, and are unsure of how that will end up. Moving sucks.

    So, applying the same kind of after-the-fact reasoning that was very popular when I was earning my degree, we see that Earl is concerned about his upcoming move. All told, Maslow wasn't just whistling dixie.

    That and Earl reads a lot of comic books and is starved for puns. Maybe all Earl wants to do is KO one of those gold-coated Century 21 types with a well-placed haymaker.
