Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Back from the Edge of Nowhere

Midafternoon today, Sean and I returned from our 4,000 km voyage through southern and northern Manitoba. We were sunburned in the south and feasted upon by bugs in the north. We have hours of video footage to sort through and hundreds of photos to examine, so my plan is to spend the next couple of days combing through that material in order to prepare the final chapter in the Woods of Leaf Rapids Saga: Return to the Edge of Nowhere.

Some of the HD footage we shot has to be seen to be believed. It's going to take me a while to edit it down to a manageable and interesting length, but I hope the end result will be worth it.


  1. I'm currently struggling to pare down my 550 + photos. Yikes.

  2. I love pictures! Much better then getting eaten by skeeters!

  3. Sunburned in the south. Heh. You should have worn pants.
