Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chicken Surprise

We ordered a chicken and wing meal last night. Tonight I opened up the box again, anticipating leftovers...and discovered that one of the chicken wings had a bonus: a breaded, lemon-spiced chicken foot attached and ready to eat.

Suddenly vegetarianism doesn't look so bad.


  1. I wish I hadn't clicked to embiggen.

  2. Sorry Earl,
    I have to call you on this one. It really doesn't look like chicken feet to me. Did you chew on it? Did it have bones in what you thought were the toes? I found a picture of deep fried chicken feet here,

    and they look a lot different. If it was really a foot I sympathise with you and would not eat it either. This comes from much experience in my childhood with my mother and aunts encouraging me to eat head cheese. It is not cheese made into a head, but a gelatin made with meat and chicken feet. Eww. I dare you to google that one.


  3. Trust me, Susan - it's a foot. A small, spindly foot, but a foot. The photo doesn't show all the detail that revealed its gruesome footiness.

  4. Since you are a politician, Earl, I am not surprised that you are very sensitive towards putting any feet in your mouth, lest they be one of your own.

  5. I'm with Susan, I'm not convinced it's a foot. More pictures!

  6. Yes, we want to see pictures of the chicken foot in your mouth! Probably too late. Reminds me of the time we found an elastic band in our green onion cake. We complained to the company that made them, and we received an ominous letter back that said, "the responsible party has been dealt with." What did they do, rub him out?
