This series of panels has lived in my memory for decades. It's the denouement of a story from an early 1970s issue of Action Comics.
I'm not sure what it is that grabs me. Part of it must be the pacing; slow, deliberate, highlighting Clark's seeming dejection. Then the reveal - Clark and the reader understand the irony of Lois' pronouncement; it's a secret that he's sharing with us.
And perhaps it's a message of solace to the typical reader - young boys and teenagers. Maybe it doesn't matter if the girl of your dreams doesn't respond to you; you, after all, know what she's really missing. That's powerful comfort for an awkward age.
As an icon of truth, justice and, one would presume, honesty, Superman strangely appears to have no shame or guilt about the fact that he deceives his friends (and even lover, of sorts) daily. In fact he seems downright self-satisfied at their cluelessness.
Superman The Movie:
"Lois? I never lie..."
I agree with Allan. Superman may be iconic, but he's no great lover.
I don't really even get the feeling that Supes loves humans, period. Maybe I am watching too many post-modern deconstructivist superhero movies. Superman now is not like he was in his Golden Age.
The most recent incarnation of Superman just ended up being creepy when he wasn't being Super. Sort of an Alan-Alda-In-The-Late-Seasons-Of-M*A*S*H Superman, if you will.
Definitely, I got that vibe that Superman had an overdeveloped sense of duty but an underdeveloped heart, much like the entire Superman Returns movie.
Love just is not the big guy's forte.
Of course, the vast majority of superheroes who find true love end up with tragedy. Love is not compatible with tights and a cape. It sure doesn't sell comic books to men and boys.
I agree with Allan. Superman may be iconic, but he's no great lover.
I don't really even get the feeling that Supes loves humans, period. Maybe I am watching too many post-modern deconstructivist superhero movies. Superman now is not like he was in his Golden Age.
The most recent incarnation of Superman just ended up being creepy when he wasn't being Super. Sort of an Alan-Alda-In-The-Late-Seasons-Of-M*A*S*H Superman, if you will.
Definitely, I got that vibe that Superman had an overdeveloped sense of duty but an underdeveloped heart, much like the entire Superman Returns movie.
Love just is not the big guy's forte.
Of course, the vast majority of superheroes who find true love end up with tragedy. Love is not compatible with tights and a cape. It sure doesn't sell comic books to men and boys.
Whoops, sorry about the double post!
Whoops, sorry about the double post!
Huh. Must be an echo in here.
Huh. Must be an echo in here.
Now pinch hitting for Pedro Borbone... Manny Mota... Mota... Mota
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