Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Day Two: Homelessness - Moving Beyond the Shelter

Most of us have encountered homeless people. Sometimes they ask for help, and whenever I'm approached, I give what I can. (Sometimes I wonder how debit cards have affected the homeless; so many people don't carry around cash anymore.) And I give thanks that I've never been put in such a precarious situation.

It's astounding that a province as bountiful as Alberta is home to a growing number of homeless citizens. It's time to do better.

Today, the Alberta Liberals launched our action plan for homelessness. Led by Alberta Liberal candidate for Calgary-Currie, Dave Taylor, the Alberta Liberal research team has developed a solid, workable plan that will ease the affordable housing shortage and help homeless Albertans move beyond the shelter and into safe, affordable, secure and permanent homes.

It's time to do the right thing for Alberta's homeless citizens. Please have a look at the plan here.

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