Monday, December 10, 2007

David Swann's Hunger for Change

I've hesitated to make this blog overtly political, given my current job and my desire not to impose my views too strongly on readers who come here primarily for lighthearted entertainment. (At least, I imagine that's what they come here for.)

But sometimes superlative public service needs to be commended. In this case, I'm talking about David Swann, one of my favourite elected officials. He's the Alberta Liberal MLA for Calgary-Mountain View, and not only does he have a bottomless social conscience, he takes action on a regular basis to help the most vulnerable people in the world.

Right now, David is starting the second week of a hunger strike. He's hoping to draw attention to the ongoing genocide in Darfur - that's in western Sudan. A United Nations/African Union peacekeeping force is being assembled to help, but they're having trouble getting enough nations to provide financial and military resources to help. It looks a lot like Rwanda all over again.

David wants Canada to participate in the UN/AU mission, with substantial financial aid and troops. And he'd like us to help him out by writing to the Prime Minister about Darfur and our collective need as a nation to show leadership on this vital issue.

More information is available at David's website:

1 comment:

  1. Earl, I think most people who read your blog know that you are a political animal.

    There was a good interview with former PM Jean Chretien on The Hour last night. One of his quotes sticks in my mind (I am quoting the gist of it here) :

    "Politics is a game for me. When I proposed to Aline, I told her that politics would be part of the marriage contract."

    I would be sure that the same goes for you, Earl. Of course, political blogs have their own set of pitfalls, so both you and any of your contributing readers must be very careful about what is said online lest there be grounds for litigation. Even remarks written as "Anonymous" could be enough to get all of us in trouble, if the remark is libellous enough.
