Monday, November 05, 2007

Third Degree, Burned

Yes, that's me, singing "Love in the First Degree." The video was shot in 139 Kelsey, my dorm room at Lister Hall, which means it would have been during my third or fourth year at the University of Alberta. Judging by the look on my face, I must have been feeling carefree and goofy rather than full of post-adolescent angst - thank goodness. It was an angsty time. Not angsty enough, thankfully, to push me toward what would have been a doubtless humiliating attempt to pursue a career as a vocalist.
The true purpose of this post is to test blogger's new video feature. Embedding YouTube videos is pretty easy, but what the heck - may as well try out all the options. Also, I've unearthed some 8mm footage that might make an excellent supplement for Part III of the Leaf Rapids story...


  1. whadda ya mean pt III of the LR story? elab mofo...

  2. Dear Mr. Agrinaut,

    I grew up in northern Manitoba, including a stint in Leaf Rapids, and last summer I made a return visit. Parts one and two of the story of my journey can be found below, although they're mostly background. I'm hoping to post part three tonight.

    By the way, I see that you have a Leaf Rapids blog, and that you're interested in progressive politics. Very cool - I'll give your site a more thorough read very soon.

  3. You truly have no shame Earl. Good for you. Bad for us.
