Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Convolution

Anyone who's seen my office knows that I work in a tiny labyrinth of bookshelves. This leaves me with limited room to move about, and so today the inevitable happened: I tripped over my stepladder and fell headlong against one of my shelves as well as across a pile of miscellaneous junk. The incident made quite a crash, and I think I may have cried out "Holy crap!" Sylvia thought I'd finally toppled one of my bookshelves - they're stacked pretty precariously.

Fortunately, the structural integrity of the shelves held, and I wasn't buried under an avalanche of books. I escaped with a few cuts and bruises, mostly to my right leg - three oozing flesh wounds. Nice bruise on my left shoulder, too.

Naturally I started laughing uncontrollably almost as soon as I was able to pick myself up. Had a good giggle for a half-hour or so, in between "ouch"es and "yow"s. Wish I had the incident on video!


  1. One of those little webcams costs maybe $25 or so. You could hook it up to a high vantage point on one of your walls. When the most unfortunate thing happens (we hope it doesn't), and if your workstation doesn't get crushed into a diamond under the weight of all of that material, your insurance adjuster should get a good bellylaugh, and maybe the video would make a splash on YouTube.

  2. Aww man. You hurt yourself and I missed it and had nothing to do with it? Argh!! I feel ripped off. Grrr.

  3. I thought this was going to be a post about how you plan to reorganize your office.

    As such, I was preparing to ignore all calls from you for the next little while.

  4. Damn! I wish I had seen that. Maybe you could do that again when someone is available to film it.


  5. As entertaining this "incident" was to most of you, when I heard the crash, bang, boom I was horrified as i was sure one of Earl's precariously perched bookshelves fell on him. He came out of his office covered in cuts and bruises. Scary.

    This place or Earl is never boring.....


  6. I was at Earl & Sylvia's condo on Friday.

    Let it be known to all that Earl HAS NOT MOVED THE STEPLADDER TO A SAFE LOCATION.

    It rests in its original spot, just waiting for a chance to cause more calamity...
