Dental appointment.

Sunburned during press gallery golf tournament.

Construction projects around the home.

Unexpected journeys backward in time.

Taking goofy photos of Sylvia.

Taking goofy photos in general.

And now for some real content. Of a sort. Can you imagine what Sylvia might be doing in this perplexing photograph? Enter YOUR guess in the comment field!
Great entry, Babe. Very entertaining :)!
Has Sylvia taken up training very large predatory birds? That's quite a ladder! Perhaps you've trained Earl to do windows, Sylvia? Hmm...
Obviously about to spring a sneak attack from her submarine on the CHAOS headquarters.
Made-up Answer: Playing a life-sized version of Snakes (on a plane) and Ladders?
Real Answer: I assume she's sequestering herself from one of Earl's frequent bouts of madness.
That, or trying to find me chores around the condo to complete.
On another note, it saddens me that I am not at all surprised that you took a photo of yourself at the dentist.
These "entries" are quite funny....lol
Keep guessing....
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