I own this comic (though I didn't create this scan - I'm not sure where it came from, only that Google Desktop found it on my hard drive). Makes me want to dig it out and find out why Supergirl and Zatanna are so warm for this guy's icy, abominable form. Finding the comic would be quite a job, though, considering that my collection is tucked away in boxes stacked to the ceiling of our storage room. Sigh.
Zatanna's one of my favourite comic book characters, even if her powers seem a little absurd. She casts magic spells by speaking backwards...
what's with your question mark at the bottom of your post?
I told Earl this a few months ago, but I saw a young woman dressed EXACTLY like Zatana (pardon my spelling).
It was...wow.
Oh - this was at a club (New City), if you hadn't already guessed that.
The question mark is me saying, "What?" as if I'm being accused of something.
I envy Sean. However, I did once see a girl on the bus dressed as Death from the Sandman comic books. That, too, was "wow."
There was an episode of "The O.C." where Seth's wannabe girlfriend dressed up as Wonder Woman to impress him.
That's as close as I can come to saying I saw a hot chick dressed as a comic book character.
If my wannabe girlfriend dressed up as Wonder Woman/Zatana, she would graduate to full-blown girlfriend.
These are sad comments :0!
Just wait until I get you into that Black Canary costume.
You better hope I am severely drunk or unconscious. Unless it comes with a haute couture label, I just don't see this happening.
Perhaps I already am a super-heroine, with an even hotter costume and I can't show you as it's supposed to be a secret....hmmmmm?????????
Chew on that for a while Woods :)
D'OHHHH!!!!!! :-O
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