An Infidel Christmas - Click to Embiggen!
Last night I headed out to Avenue Pizza to meet up with some of Alberta's Internet Infidels, members of a secular message board community. From left we have Jason, Ross, Keri, Dwayne, Carmelita, Terri, Vince, and my old friend from high school and university, Daryle Tilroe.
It was an entertaining evening - the conversation covered politics, foreign films, vegetarianism, peer to peer filesharing, and, naturally religion (or lack thereof).
Whenever I see Daryle, I can't help but remember our time together on the Leduc Composite High School newspaper. I was the editor, and Daryle did a lot of the layout and press work. Often, we wound up working pretty late in the school's Vis Comm lab, long after school hours. On one of those occasions, Daryle dropped a very heavy inkwell from the offset press onto his big toe - I could only look on in helpless horror as he hopped around on one foot, shrieking obscenities.
Poor Daryle. But, as they say, you can't put a paper to bed without spilling some ink - or even a little blood.
Isn't having a secular Christmas party kind of ironic?
That's exactly what I thought, Sean.
I really enjoyed spending the Christmas holidays with you and your parents. It was fun and I ate too much!
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