Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Earl Goes to the Movies

I picked up the new game The Movies a few days ago, and I've finally put something together I'm willing to post online. It's called Chaucer and the Saucer, and it asks the ages-old question, "what would happen if English writer Geoffrey Chaucer were kidnapped by aliens?"

Check it out on The Movies webpage at this address.

UPDATE: The Movies Online has been shut down, and the films are no longer available.


  1. Who knew Chaucer did so much work in the American desert?

  2. Not so much "what would happen if he was kidnapped" so much as "what would that kidnapping look like".

  3. "This will stop that metal monster!"

    Personally, I can't wait for Toilet Chase.

    As a fellow owner of this game, I can testitfy to its awesomeness.

  4. No, I didn't use sandbox mode, as it doesn't make the filmmaking process any easier. If there's one beef I have with this game, it's that it does such a good job of emulating the real-world difficulty of making movies! Stars and directors leaving the set to get drunk, argh!

    Bitter Litter, there's an idea.

    Toilet Chase is of course a given, although I'll have to enlist several people (you know you you are, Jeff, Ron, Susan and Allan) to do voiceover work...

    Hey listen, I can hear Jeff screaming all the way from Vancouver.

  5. I am very disappointed, as the movie won't play in Firefox. Their IE-only tech gets 2 thumbs down! Other that than and Chaucer's extensive crying it was prety cool.

  6. You can apparently download active-X controls for Firefox, which would allow you to watch the movie in that broswer...

    ...although it didn't work for me.

  7. That's pretty good, babe. Impressive! I've always wanted to say that I have slept with a Director...tee-hee.

