Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Little-Known "Reserve Activation Clause"

...or in other words, Captain sir, they drafted me.

That is, Sean drafted me to pick winners in his NFL Death Metal challenge, a no-holds-barred grudge match to see who has the best NFL football acumen. Sean battles In the Now's Liam Johnstone (who is not Stone Cold Steve Austin), while I, with my dearth of football knowledge, serve as a "control factor," to use Sean's terms.

Well, I made my picks, and what they may lack in accuracy, I hope they make up for in humour. And even if they don't, Sean's blog has several new and very funny posts, well worth reading, particularly the Comments sections. Sean is using comment spam as a source of ribald (to put it mildly) wit, with excellent results.

So for some off-site Blahg-style Earlisms and the inimitable mirth only Sean can bring you, visit Sean's blog now!


  1. I suggest using Diane Chambers' methods for picking teams: jersey colour competitiveness, quality of symphonies, etc.

    Served her well.

  2. Wasn't Diane Chambers some kind of adult entertainer? Or am I thinking of someone else? If so, who is Diane Chambers? The reference sounds familiar...


    I feel dirty putting up a link to Shelly Long. UGH.

  4. Earl's thinking of Marilyn Chambers.

    I feel less dirty putting up a link to a porn star.
