Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Axe You

Like me, you've probably seen commercials for those "body sprays" for men, Axe and Tag and Zap and Moo and whatever. In the ads, a good-looking guy tries out the product in a store or sprays it on before going out, and suddenly gorgeous, often scantily-clad women leap upon him, sexually enraged, hormones throbbing, too warm for his form to control themselves.

So it occurred to me: what happens if you spray a female with one of these sprays? Do buxom, scantily-clad, sex-crazed vixens suddenly pop out of the woodwork for some impromptu, unrestrained Sapphic action?

If so, I'm buying a can or two.


  1. Well, it certainly can't hurt to buy some, just to be sure.

  2. The great experiment begins! Whom do you have for your first female test subject?

  3. Not me, Earl! Dream on.......


    Where does he come up with this stuff....lol!

  4. I'm assuming that everyone who visits this blog is aware of the inherent bisexual desires that all women have. If the powers of science can help bring these desires out from the shadows, then I'm all for it.

    Sylvia, it is all about evolution. 99% of the male populace is aroused by what some call 'hot lesbian action.' This heightened level of arousal eventually leads to coitus, the end result of which is the creation of offspring. This is the end goal of all organisms on this planet. So for evolution's sake, all women should feel free to give in to those ever present desires and help propogate the species.

    Let's hear it for science!

  5. Try as I might, I can find no flaws in this theory.

  6. Yeah, lesbians.

    That;s all I got.
