Tuesday, August 16, 2005

More Engagement Photos

All Photos by Akemi Matsubuchi

I'm feeling too lazy to provide an entry with any substantiative comment tonight, so for your amusement I'll post a few more engagement photos of Sylvia and me. Don't forget to Click to Embiggen!


  1. Congratulations Earl and Sylvia. Great pictures - it looks like you are having lots of fun!

  2. Hi Earl and Sylvia,

    I especially like the second image -- very lovely!

    Congratulations once again.


  3. That's some high-quality ear weirding.

    Keep up the good work.

    Sean "Your Cool Brother" Woods

  4. Thanks, everyone. Personally, the ear weirding shot is my favourite.

  5. Actually, that's not Sylvia's engagement ring - just one that she's had for a while. The engagement ring will (cough) have to wait for a bit while I scrounge up some cash.

  6. Doesn't the ring have to be worth three months of your income? Heh heh!

  7. Embiggen is my new favourite word.

    Congrats, by the way!

  8. Don't fall into the nonsense spouted by DeBeers about however many months salary. You can get a nice one that doesn't have to break the bank. Look at eBay! Reread my post about diamonds in my blog: http://zeewedding.blogspot.com/2005/01/rings-and-things.html

  9. We did find my engagement ring and it is very reasonable. The ring in the photo is a dinner ring I bought as a gift to myself. A girl should always treat herself to something nice every now and then :)


  10. Yes, I must say Sylvia did an excellent job of finding a beautiful ring without breaking the bank. Bending it a little, maybe...

  11. What the crap is a dinner ring?

    Is this some sort of thing you get when you order dinner at a fancy restaurant?

    I want a dessert ring.

    "hsktydvd" was my magic word.
