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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Oily Copra Trader

"What's 'copra'?" I asked myself when I looked up the name of this Pulp Figures miniature. It's coconut meat--that yummy white stuff on the inside of the nut. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Delta Bluesman

I'm a wand'rin delta bluesman
Miles and miles from home
'Cept for my bedrool and my guitar
I wander all alone 

Stickin' close to the Ole Miss shoreline
Catfishin' for my meals
Singin' 'bout my dear Mary
And how her loss still feels


Monday, March 17, 2025

Vernal Geekquinox 2025: Old Fashioned Feast and Friendship


On Saturday night, Ellen and Pete once again put on a spectacular multi-course meal for a bunch of us to celebrate the coming of spring and the bonds of friendship that have lasted for so many years. Pete designed the menu above and the menu we ate, and every bite was a delight. 

In keeping with the loose 1950 North Americana theme, we began by snacking on devilled eggs and Cheez Whiz-filled celery sticks. What a throwback to childhood! 
Then, Pete delivered a heaping plate of rumaki--bacon wrapped around water chestnuts and chicken livers, marinated in some sort of delicious sauce. Despite finding liver traumatizing, the tiny bits of chicken liver in this dish did nothing to detract from the savory delight of what was a new experience for me. Sylvia went to town on these, and I can't blame her! 

Somehow we still had room for the main course. The juicy beef melted like butter in my mouth, and the cheese-covered broccoli--well--it was no ordinary cheese-covered broccoli. I don't know how Pete made the cheese sauce, but it certainly wasn't simply by melting some random cheese and pouring it on. I skipped the turnips--I've always found them bitter vegetables indeed--but I enjoyed the creamy mashed potatoes, cloudlike in their perfection. (Not pictured, but it's a bowl of mashed potatoes, what do you want?)

The main course also included--HOORAY--Yorkshire pudding, a Woods family favourite. Light, fluffy perfection. 

Poor Pete and Ellen run themselves ragged preparing these meals while also circulating with the guests. We love them for it! 

I love that Geekquinox brings together the guys and gals of our friends group. The women did a great job of bringing some 50s fashion to the festivities. 

Sylvia and I couldn't stay for the shrimp cocktail, French onion soup, or dessert, but even so we were there for about eight hours of lovely conversation and reconnections. In these rough times, such moments are genuine treasures. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Bing Crosby Image Search

Here's a 28mm Bing Crosby from Pulp Figures. He and Bob can now have 28mm-scale adventures on roads of the imagination. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Bob Hope: Mini Golfer, or Golfer Mini?

Here he is, one of comedy's greats, Mister Bob Hope, as seen in the Road movies, just puttering around with Bing. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Bowery Boys

Dese five yoots may be technically delinquents, see? But that's because they ain't got nothin', least of all respect, and they have to fight for every scrap. They got a code, they ain't bullies, and they ain't rats. They just wanna get out of the Bowery, and who can blame 'em? These kids got gumption. If adults would just give 'em have the chance, why, they'd show the world they mean somethin'. Tell the chief you heard that from me, Benny Cough Drops. <cough><cough>

Sunday, March 09, 2025

A Pair of Gangland Gals

Forthright, fearsome, and fashionable. Unfortunately, these are among a batch of figures with a weird layer of dusting left behind by the matte varnish spray. The problem came and went within one can; weird. 

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Friday, March 07, 2025

Great Warrior

Bob Murch at Pulp Figures sometimes throws in little freebies when I order his minis. I've grateful for the gesture, especially when it presents challenges like this one, with so many tiny details. I'm pretty pleased with how this guy turned out, from the skin tones to the facial details to the costume. 


Thursday, March 06, 2025

She Who Bore the Blade

I'm quite happy with this figure's hair and face. The blade isn't bad either, considering its tiny scale. 

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Dapper Gangland Gal

Can't go wrong with a tuxedo and tails, or so they tell me. 

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Oscar Guesses 2025

I'm not sure why I still care. I guess because I love film, even though the Academy Awards have been so terribly flawed for their entire history. 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Brave Mountaineer

Like brave mountaineers
We never were much bothered by the climb

Friday, February 28, 2025

Queen of the Jungle

Described only as "Krogar's Wife" over at Pulp Figures, I dub thee. . . "Jean Porter." 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Young Shorty Smith

"Gee whillikers!" yelped young Shorty Smith as the 12,000-pound blockbuster dropped gracefully from the Lancaster's open belly. "I sure wish I was up in that airplane instead of down here on the roof of the German munitions factory! What a pickle we're in now, Spy Smasher!" 

"Yes, I suppose we should have checked with the RAF before smashing the spy ring we found here," mused Spy Smasher philosophically. "But at least that ring will be double smashed, along with tens of thousands of rounds of Ratzi ammo." 

"Golly, Spy Smasher, if a plucky kid from Oklahoma has to die, well, dying for democracy has got to be the best way!" 

"Chin up, Shorty--we're not dead yet. I just happened to bring my jet pack, and you're light enough to carry along." 

"A jet pack! Wow! Wait--what's a jet pack?" 

"It's like a little V2 you strap onto your back--like this--and we're the payload! Up, up, and away!" 

"KABOOM!" yelled the blockbuster just as the plucky Allied troopers soared off into the clouds. 

"ARGH!" cried the munitions plant as it was blown into smithereens.